Thursday, October 13, 2005

Do you smoke pot or take LSD or anything else to stimulate your mind to grasp or take hold of "enlightenment"? Have you found some "thing" that you can use to help you on the pathway to personal discovery, deep enlightenment, or to find out what the meaning of life is?

I am no innocent.

But this one thing I know, unequivicably.. enlightenment, personal discovery, the meaning of life.. these things are found without getting high by getting high. Because I know how to get high without getting high.. I know how to fly and soar and let these wings carry me across the deep currents of space.

I am an innocent man.. but I am not innocent.. understand, please, that once you begin to take this particular journey, there is no turning back.

Personal growth begins when you empty yourself of your self.. I am not speaking in metaphors. Nor in parables. I am talking about laying down all your selfishness. You want growth and productivity to happen in your "mind" and in your life? Tell someone you cannot stand.. that you are deeply, truly and very sorry that you are so obnoxious.

And it may not be you..

But to be the first one to initiate the confrontation which begins some healing.. well, most people are about as able to do that as they are to pull themselves out of quicksand. The human mouth.. now there's quicksand! Do both feet fit into yours? Mine fit mine quite well, I shall be quick to confess and admit. Not a pretty thing. Neither is an admission of guilt.. nor admitting to being sorry.. nor offering an apology.. most people would rather spit on you than apologize for the thing they just did, to humiliate you or make you look stupid, or they wanted just to treat you like dirt.

I ask for your forgiveness if I have ever hurt you. You know.. I know you do! But I am.. I am really wanting you to know that I love you, my brother, my friend, my aquaintance, my soulmate.. my family member..

You don't know how I have longed to take your hand and tell you how sorry I am that I hurt you or broke your heart. Or led you on. I never meant to do you wrong. To do something shameful to you. I have died a thousand times in heartache..

So many people tend to go on and never say "I'm sorry".. and I am no exception. But I know what it feels like, too, to be on the receiving end.

Judy, I loved you deeply. Ginny, I loved you deeply. Sandy, I was crazy about you. I could go on and on. All the way back to.. you don't want to know. Was I hurt? It doesn't matter if I was.. I long to hold you in my arms and tell you that now we have closure. I am growing up and moving on. We breathe, we move. In Him we have our being. "I think because I am?" How about, "I know.. and to think is to be, because He first loved me".

Jump out there into it.. throw yourself with passion into the waters of the deep blue sea which we call a sea of people. Love people. Weep with others or alone.. but find the joy. The Light. Stand like Jesus.. walk like Him, with Him..

Do you think I wander all over the place? Think what you want.

But true enlightenment is in Him.